Test Plan Documentation

Primary Test Period: July 2024 – August 2024
Primary Test Browser: Google Chrome
Primary Test Device: Laptop

Test No.Test NameTest TypeTest Case and LocationTest Input and CriteriaExpected ResultTest Result (Actual)Status (Pass/Fail)Actions Needed or Comments
1Full Form SubmissionUnitForm SubmissionInput valid data into all fields: Full Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Preferred Contact Method, Date of Desired Hike, Type of Hike, Number of Participants, Experience Level, Special Requests or Notes, How Did You Hear About Us?, check “Yes, please!” for updates, and solve Captcha.Form should submit successfully and display a confirmation message.Form submitted successfully and confirmation message displayed.PassNone
2Email Address ValidationUnitEmail Address ValidationInput an invalid email address (e.g., invalid-email)Error message indicating invalid email format should be displayed.Error message displayed correctly.PassNone
3Phone Number ValidationUnitPhone Number ValidationInput invalid phone number format (e.g., 1234)Error message indicating invalid phone number format should be displayed.Error message displayed correctly.PassNone
4Required Field ValidationUnitRequired Field ValidationLeave required fields blank and attempt to submitError messages indicating required fields should be displayed.Error messages displayed correctly.PassNone
5Captcha Functionality TestUnitCaptcha FunctionalityComplete captcha and submitForm should be submitted if captcha is correctly completed.Form submitted successfully.PassNone
6Empty Form SubmissionUnitForm Submission with All Fields EmptyLeave all fields empty and submitError messages for required fields should be displayed.Error messages displayed correctly.PassNone
7Special Requests Field HandlingUnitSpecial Requests FieldInput lengthy text in the Special Requests or Notes fieldField should accept and display lengthy text correctly.Field accepted and displayed text correctly.PassNone
8Experience Level Selection AccuracyUnitExperience Level SelectionSelect different options for Experience LevelCorrect option should be recorded and displayed.Correct option recorded and displayed.PassNone
9Update Checkbox FunctionalityUnitUpdate CheckboxCheck and uncheck the “Yes, please!” checkbox and submitCheckbox state should be recorded correctly and reflected in form submission.Checkbox state recorded and reflected correctly.PassNone
10Captcha Required Field CheckUnitForm Submission without Solving CaptchaAttempt to submit the form without completing the captchaError message indicating captcha completion is required should be displayed.Error message displayed correctly.PassNone